Friday, December 11, 2009

Hair Shingles Pictures Anyone Know If There Is A Virus Similar To Chicken Pox That Affects Your Hair Follicles?

Anyone know if there is a virus similar to Chicken Pox that affects your hair follicles? - hair shingles pictures

I get very sensitive points on the scalp, which is very painful to remove all hair. Sometimes I pull up to 30 hairs, and they look as if they were infected in the roots. The place is like chicken pox shot burned to remove all the hair. I had chickenpox when I realized 31 years and I am a candidate for shingles. I think that shingles affects the whole body, however. Any help would be appreciated.


Talking Hat said...

Go see a doctor

Chris S said...

It appears that you have herpes. Shingles affects your nervous system, especially in the upper part of the spinal cord back to the back of the head.

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